Wednesday, December 31, 2014

House of Light

In light of the multiple births madness that has been going on, I decided to build a home that is big enough for any size family. Even if you use cheats to have more than 8 sims in a house, this home will offer more than enough room for EVERYbody.

I call it the House of Light, because it has many windows LOL. It is still, very much, a WIP. Of course, when it is all done I will show pictures of it in it's entirety. I will say this house has a TON of rooms. So far 6 bed, 6 bath, gym, office, workshop, game room etc, etc...

Here are a couple pics, one of the dining room and one of what I suppose is the main living room. These rooms are not complete, but they are done enough to share.

Guest Post from Taddy Leese

Taddy Leese's feedback about the poll question:

You can only have one of the following added to Sims 4, EVER, which do you choose?

Family Trees
Name changes with marriage
Drive-able vehicles

It was a toss up for me between family trees and name changes. I figure though family trees only go back so far anyway and it really bugs me when the names don't change. Even better would be like in the "old" days where we can choose or determine which sims name the family will have. It would be nice if a step child could keep their "real" father's last name while his mom changes hers. Like things in real life. Fun poll thanks!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

This week's POLL

If you look on the right hand side you will see a quick little poll question (if you are on mobile you may need to go to the web version, should be a link at the bottom). I hope you'll play along and give your answer. Also I'd love to hear your thoughts on the question in the comments of this post!

If I get enough responses, I'll pick my favorite and make it a guest blog post!

Monday, December 15, 2014

2 Wallpapers

Two more wallpapers. As always tested in game and they work with all 3 wall sizes. Found in "wallpapers" category.

Sims Kitchen Wallpapers by Me

Thanks to Sims4Studios, I can much more easily create for the sims 4. Here are some kitchen wallpapers. I have tested each of these in-game. These walls work on all 3 wall sizes and can be found under "wallpaper".